Photos &tc.






about   []

This site is the personal site of some people named Batterman, some people who used to be named Batterman, some people who married people named Batterman and are now perhaps named Batterman themselves, or not, some people who know people named Batterman, and their pets. For the most part, it serves as our own personal portal, and is not of much interest to those who don't know us.

If you're a stranger, and not sure what to make of this, start with the recipes.


current feature

Richard Batterman turned 62 in 2001. In honor of the occasion, we've posted some very cute photos of him. >>>



Richard and Margaret took a trip to Alaska in June 2001. They've added their own travel journal to the site. >>>


and way before that...

Linda and Kevin went to Italy in September 2000 and took some great pictures. Check out the panoramas of Florence and Venice in particular. >>>

Linda and Kevin's Italy trip
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